Monday, January 20, 2014

Sargento Cheese Co

The new corporate headquarters of the Sargeto Cheese Company in Plymouth Wisconsin during its construction. Look at how beautifully the blue foam reflects on the pond.

#EdwardsSales #blue #Styrofoam #Wisconsin #Dow #DowBuildingSolutions #Construction #Insulation

Friday, January 10, 2014

Dow Partners Up

“We need to wake up Michigan residents to their energy consumption issues while also providing them easy, prescriptive steps on how to make their homes more energy efficient.”
-Mary Templeton, executive director of "Michigan Saves"

From the Desk of Tom Stauber

From The Desk Of
Tom Stauber

Hi Folks -
Randy and Anna have been working on a website for us that is so much better than what we have and we will have control of it and we will be able to make changes quickly. It will grow. I think it looks really good and we are about to be able to launch . . . but we need some input from each of you. Please go to and look around. we are planning to launch, (it's already up as a .net, but we will move it to .com) on the 24th but we can change content easily. we have a lot of room and this should be a place we are can be show - offs. Let's do that. I am surprised at how many people look here.
I have also "surfed" a number of our competitors and their website tells a tale. I want ours to tell a tale but I want it to be a tale people want to see and hear. So input is #1.
Obama "sucks" but he won the tech war and now he "rules"! Let's do this right!

Tom Stauber - President/CEO